Volunteering On-Site
Got a couple of hours to give? PyCon Latam is organized and run by volunteers from the Python community. This year we're looking for over 100 on-site volunteer hours to help make sure everything runs smoothly.
Session Chairs and Runners
The organizing committee is looking for folks to serve as session chairs and session runners.
Session runners and session chairs work together with the session manager to help foster a supportive environment by welcoming guests, introducing speakers, and making sure folks get to where they need to be.
Session Managers are part of the PyCon Latam organizing team, and they will oversee the chairs and runners. Their responsibilities are to get the printed introduction sheets to the chairs and ensure everyone knows where to go. If a session chair or runner is unavailable, the manager will serve as backup, and be responsible for marshaling resources to ensure the talks proceed on schedule.
Session runners meet speakers outside the room where they’ll be speaking fifteen minutes before each talk. You’ll meet your speaker and help them get ready by testing their laptop and briefing them on what to expect. Five minutes before their talk, you’ll walk with them to the stage, get them water, and help them get their laptop set up. You’ll hand the speaker off to the session chair, and then relax and enjoy the talk. Your job is done until 15 minutes before the next talk!
Session chairs are the moderators of the session. You’ll arrive at the session 10 minutes before the talk starts. Meet your speaker and find out a few things: how do you pronounce your name? Do you want to take questions? How do you want us to count down time? At showtime, you’ll introduce the speaker to the audience, keeping it simple — their name and talk title. During the talk, watch the clock and let the speaker know how much time they have left before questions (show signs at the -15, -10 and -5 mark). Mediate questions (if any), and let speaker and attendees know when it’s time to wrap it all up. After that, help the speaker disconnect the microphone and make any announcements.
Swag Bag Stuffing
We’ll be stuffing swag bags for everyone on Thursday afternoon! If you’re around, we’d appreciate your help. The more people we have, the faster it will go.
Registration Desk
We’ll need people at the registration desk to check people into the conference and help answer questions. Shifts are one hour long, and you’ll always have a partner working with you!
Sign up here!